Articles and Resources


Read a Motorhome Magazine article on the benefits of FuseMaster or the virtues of the Tow Defender.


Find the baseplate for your vehicle. Also, a description of stress testing and how designers determine when to use a crossbar. This section also features an article from Motorhome Magazine on the Honda CR-V baseplate.

Company Overview

Learn about the company history and philosophy. Read about the new Nighthawk towbar and learn more about our founder and owner.

Dinghy Towing Guides

Find out which new vehicles are towable. This section features information courtesy of Motorhome Magazine.

Supplemental Braking Systems

Braking weight regulations on color-coded maps of the U.S. and Canada, an article on the importance of supplemental brakes and an overview of Roadmaster's four braking systems. This section also features an article from Motorhome Magazine on the Even Brake and articles on the InvisiBrake.

Suspension Products

Find the anti-sway bar, Reflex Steering Stabilizer and/or TruTrac™ bar for your vehicle, or peruse a Motorhome Magazine article on anti-sway bars.

Towing and Tow Bars

A glossary of towing terms, towing basics and other informative articles, including an article Motorhome Magazine on the Sterling All Terrain.

Towing? What NOT to do, courtesy of our friends The Wynns

See what our RVing, documentarian friends The Wynns have to say about towing mistakes and how to tow properly.

Truck Camper Magazine's Roadmaster Press Room

View multiple articles covering Roadmaster's history, a factory tour, a behind-the-scenes look at the annual show in Louisville and an article on our newest braking system, the InvisiBrake.